Diabetes is a chronic disease that implies the modification of lifestyles, an adequate diet, physical exercise, and the use of drugs. For its treatment, it is essential that people learn to handle it correctly in order to have a good quality of life and avoid possible complications.
Mercedes Galindo, the advisor to the Diabetes Foundation, offers us a series of recommendations to maintain optimal control and so that people with diabetes can enjoy their day to day normally:
1. Learn to live with diabetes
It is important to know what diabetes is, the main care, and makes the necessary changes for good control. The person with diabetes and their family members should receive diabetes education and emotional support. Highlighting the importance of the role of the diabetes educator and the commitment to educating the person as an essential tool to facilitate self-care, adherence to treatment, and metabolic control.
2. Adapt power
Diet is an essential part of managing diabetes and helps to delay or avoid the onset of complications. The diet of the person with diabetes is similar to that of any person: the food must be distributed throughout the day, that is, take between 3 to 5 intakes according to personal characteristics and treatment regimen (breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner), avoiding meals with a high amount of carbohydrates or that are quickly absorbed, since they raise glucoseconsiderably. Taking care of your diet is part of your treatment, therefore, you cannot talk about types of food and amounts without also talking about the physical activity you do, the medications you take or whether or not you suffer from other diseases such as cholesterol or hypertension. In short, it is a set of factors that must be considered globally and that make each person with diabetes have a unique and personalized diet, which must be prepared with the support of the healthcare team.
3. Maintain adequate hydration
People with diabetes are at higher risk of dehydration because high blood glucose causes the kidneys to try to eliminate it as urine. For this reason, people with diabetes tend to be more thirsty when hyperglycemia occurs. Water should be the basis of hydration for a person with diabetes. There are other drinks that help improve hydration such as natural juices or without added sugar, "light" or "zero" soft drinks that contain sweeteners instead of sugar and therefore do not increase blood glucose, sports drinks or infusions, but always the occasional way.
4. Exercise regularly
The practice of physical exercise is one of the fundamental pillars of the treatment of diabetes and prevents the associated complications. Its benefits occur at many other levels: it improves blood pressure, cholesterol and cardiovascular function. The type of exercise and intensity should be adapted to the age and physical condition of each person with diabetes.
5. Perform glucose checks frequently and in a structured way
The analysis of blood glucose levels carried out by the person or a family member allows to know the blood glucose levels at any time and detect possible acute complications, hypoglycemia ( glucose drops ) or hyperglycemia ( glucose rises ). It is recommended to carry out between 5 and 6 controls a day, before each meal and before going to sleep to have information and adjust the insulin regimen or the treatment in general, if necessary. If you exercise, it is recommended to perform an analysis before the start of the activity, some extra measurement while practicing long-term exercise, as well as once it is finished.
6. Act fast when faced with hypoglycemia
It is common during hypoglycemia to eat uncontrollably and with great voracity. This entails a total carbohydrate intake higher than the indicated grams, which is usually the cause of a rebound or hyperglycemia in the hours afterward.
7. Avoid complications of diabetes.
It is important to keep your blood glucose levels at the optimal level before and after meals. Likewise, it is necessary to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
8. Perform ophthalmological reviews.
It is essential that people with diabetes carry out regular reviews especially of the state of the retina to prevent, detect and successfully treat any type of complication.
9. Take care of your feet
People with diabetes may have alterations in sensation and circulation. It is important to carry out a daily inspection of the feet checking the absence of injuries and visit the podiatrist regularly.
10. Be adherent with medication.
Medication is a part of the treatment that together with food and exercise are fundamental pillars, so it is necessary to agree and follow the recommendations that are prescribed together with health professionals. Insulin is the pharmacological basis for treating type 1 diabetes, and other oral and/or drugs insulin in type 2 diabetes.